Using only original manufacturer’s parts we will be able to provide the necessary septic repairs to get your aerobic septic system back to being 100% functional. Give us a call today to discuss the issues you are having with a licensed professional. We guarantee all workmanship for 1 year after repair, if it concerns any of the parts we replaced just give us a call and we will get it taken care of, that simple! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your septic system, let us take care of it, we can help.
Common Septic Issues
Identify the cause for these alarms as they signal an issue that may potentially soon be harmful to the inside of your home if the level inside of your system remain high. Many different issues could be causing the alarm to continue to go off. For Instance if a system’s distribution field is controlled by a timer, the alarms explanation could be as simple as over water usage and the system is struggling to keep up with the incoming amount of water flooding the tanks. Over water usage is extremely detrimental to the health of your septic system as each and every system is designed to treat a set amount of sewage a day. Double check and make sure your water usage is averaging below the maximum daily gallons per day allowed by your system. Other issues may be responsible for your alarm be it the float that turns the pump on/off, or simply a flipped breaker inside the control panel, or your tanks could be taking on groundwater. Give us a call today or schedule a call back on-line to discuss your available options.
Every air compressor has an expected life span due to all of its moving parts. Premature air compressor failures may result from a multitude of things but most commonly we can narrow it down to a couple of different diagnoses.
Sometimes certain circumstances cause critical internal components to break necessitating replacement of the broken pieces, this is referred to as a rebuild. Know that sometimes the compressor itself will continue to run in certain circumstances but the internal part that actually compresses the air may be torn or entirely disintegrated depending on the style of compressor; this situation can be rectified by a repair kit. Sometimes in our area, ants are common intruders found inside the compressor’s housing being attracted by the heat from the motor. Once an air compressor has been overrun with ants our suggestion is to fully replace the compressor.
Many times our troubleshooting for power issues involves using a voltmeter to find where we are losing electricity to the system. Some reasons you may be experiencing a power failure may be due to corrosion of the wires inside the control panel or any of the other electrical components. On older systems sometimes the electrical wasn’t exactly installed in the same manner we use today where in the past a wire could possibly have just ended up buried without any protective conduit. In this case we must bring the system up to code while also more than likely addressing the problem for your initial service call.
You may have a swamp for a backyard or a sprinkler turned geyser these issues are not allowing the intended distribution of your systems effluent to occur. Actually these situations are extreme environmental hazards that can possibly cause problems with you neighbors which can cause your local authorities to become involved. In order to avoid these situations as soon as you identify that there is an issue with your distribution quickly call a professional to fix the problem. Know that the leak or break has possibly been there much longer than you realize. In many cases we can fix these problems in less than an hour and never have to leave your house.
Most of the time this goes hand in hand with an inoperable air compressor. In this case we advise that you double check that your air compressor is actually working properly. Know that sometimes the compressor itself will continue to run in certain circumstances but the internal part that actually compresses the air may be torn or entirely disintegrated depending on the style of compressor; this situation can be rectified by a repair kit. Depending on the length of time the compressor has not been working will tell us whether or not the system necessitates being pumped out. Other things can cause an effluent odor, but most of the time can blinked to one of the other situations listed here. If you are having complaints from neighbors or you just can’t stand the smell give us a call and we will do our best to explain what is causing your situation.
Unless you are concurrently experiencing a high-water event we can safely say that the issue is from the chlorinator back towards your house. In most cases such as these we assume the problem may be that your tanks are becoming full running out of “liquid space” not allowing the proper settling and separation of solids to occur in the septic tank. We suggest that you have a septic system pumped out completely every 3-5 years if it has been over that period of time we suggest this in order to address your backed-up plumbing lines. There are a few other possibilities that could be causing an issue be it a clogged baffle inside the septic tank or even a clogged chlorinator. If you can’t get things flowing again please don’t hesitate to give us a call before the sewage has a chance to back up into your home.
Aerobic System Do's & Don'ts
- Provide ant and insect control around all system components.
- Keep vegetation around system components, including air compressor, control panel, spray heads etc. under control.
- Clean your air compressor’s filter every 6 months.
- Use tablet septic chlorine, approved for wastewater use.
- Pump out your septic tanks every 3-5 years
- Do not dispose of greases, fats and oils using your septic system.
- Do not dispose of pesticides, herbicides or any other toxins using your septic system.
- Do not schedule a single “wash day” for your household. Septic systems are designed using an estimated water usage that averages out over a full weeks’ time. Utilizing a single day to wash multiple loads of clothes will hydraulically overload your system causing improper treatment of your wastewater.
- Do not flush non-biodegradable items, other than toilet paper. If you cannot eat it the safest bet is to use the waste bin not your toilet.
- Do not use a garbage disposal on a regular basis, it should be used sparingly. Increasing the amount of food waste directly influences the necessary time between tank cleanings. Think of using the garbage disposal as treating your septic tanks like a trash can, the more you put in them the more often it will need to be emptied. It is much cheaper to dispose of food waste in your trash bin.
- Do not use additives for septic systems. These are gimmicks and should be avoided entirely. When the aerobic treatment units are tested, no additives are allowed, so it stands to reason that your system doesn’t need them.
- Do not dispose of medications or antibiotics using your septic system.
- Do not dispose of strong disinfectants or cleaning products using your septic system.
- Do not discharge from water softeners to your septic system without consulting a septic professional first. There is a correct way to do this, but approaching this incorrectly can create and extremely costly situation.
- Do not use pool chlorine as a disinfectant.